Mini Buckers

Meet the latest generation of buckers


Cinematography, Editing & Photography
Robin Férand

Creation of a product launch campaign made of several videos and product images.

Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Product photography of the Mini Buckers by Centurion Pro

Expanding on CenturionPro’s vision to develop an industry-leading bucker for every harvest, the GC Mini Bucker is a powerful yet affordable solution to streamline small to medium harvests. The GC Mini Bucker was inspired by the ground-breaking GC1 Bucker, the industry’s first machine specifically designed for destemming dry plants. GC refers to “Gentle Cut” as we appreciate and understand how delicate flowers are.

The GC Mini Bucker was inspired by the ground-breaking GC1 Bucker, the industry’s first machine specifically designed for destemming dry plants. GC refers to “Gentle Cut” as we appreciate and understand how delicate flowers are.  HP refers to “High Performance” and utilizes two rollers that pull the stem into the machine to pop the flowers off. This allows you to continuously feed the bucker for more efficient de-stemming, resulting in the industry’s highest buck rate per hour.

Product photography of the Mini Buckers by Centurion Pro

Pacific Weave with Joan Carrigan - Documentary


Travel Alberta: Calgary Stampede - Tourism Film